Happy International Woman's Day
What a great day to announce the launch of our woman's 2023 programme Woman. Empowered.
A project built based on feedback from women themselves.Woman.Empowered is a space where women can share openly, without fear of shame or judgement, their experiences of gambling harm whilst gaining the confidence to share their story in other environments in a way that empowers them and keeps them safe. This may be sharing with friends, family, colleagues, or even publicly, if that’s something you choose to do.
Breaking down the shame and stigma around women and gambling harm is something we are passionate about. By helping women build the confidence to talk openly about their experiences, having the opportunity to meet others who have been on a similar journey and giving them all the tools, support and learning they need for a sustained recovery, we can help women take back control of their future.
Woman. Empowered aims to support women in:
⭐️ Increasing self-confidence & self-worth
⭐️ Provide a safe space for women to share their experiences with other women
⭐️Decrease social isolation through meeting like minded women
⭐️Cover topics of conversation that may be attached to shame and stigma
⭐️Empower women to take the next step in their recovery.
Our Woman's Lead, Stacey Goodwin who is leading our Woman. Empowered programme has lived experience, having suffered gambling harm for 8 years. As a woman, she struggled to move on in life due to the shame and stigma associated with females and gambling. Stacey is now three years into her recovery and now uses her lived experience to help and support other women rebuild their lives after gambling harm.
So if you are a woman in recovery from gambling related harm and want to join our programme please sign up for the first session on March 14th at 8pm.