EPIC Community Session 

A self professed ex ‘Queen of Sabotage’, Dionne grew up in chaos and trauma & for many years, was a victim of learned behaviours, habits and thoughts.

After a “Rock Bottom” which resulted in her very nearly being sent to prison back in 2017, she started to finally take radical responsibility and accountability for her life and became obsessed with self-development, specifically the subconscious mind.

Dionne realised the power of the mind and just how much control over our lives we really do have, regardless of our past.

Our subconscious beliefs controls up to 95% of our entire lives and the main belief which we seem to cling on to is the belief that we’re “not good enough”.

If we believe this, we tend to make it a self-fulfilling prophecy with sabotaging thoughts and behaviours.

Dionne now transforms people into the most confident, empowered version of themselves using Rapid Transformational Therapy and unconventional, no BS coaching.

In this EPIC Community session - Dionne will be sharing how we can take back control of our lives by building our self-worth. We’ll be covering:

- Quick Backstory
- The 4 Roles We All Play
- How to Build Phenomenal Self-Worth
- Powerful hypnosis session
- Q&A


Wednesday 10th May at 6pm

How to access the session

All the EPIC Community sessions will take place over zoom, sign up below.

How to book

Please let us know you are coming by booking on the session using the 'book tickets' box below, tickets are free and there is no limit in the number of attendees.

By doing this you will be sure to receive updates about the upcoming event.

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You cannot book tickets for past events.

EPIC Restart Foundation is a registered charity no 1192907 Registered Office: Suite 2, Northern Diver Building, Appley Bridge, WN6 9AE
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