Wellbeing - 1% improvements

For this EPIC community session we welcome Ceri Williams, lead instructor from Carnegie Great Outdoors, who will be talking to us about Wellbeing, including his wellbeing triangle which will raise awareness of areas we can all potentially improve to help us have a better recovery and life. 

Ceri is a firm believer in focusing on making 1% improvements which in turn can compound and make such a difference you to your heath and wellbeing over time. 

This workshop will be thought provoking and will hopefully leave you with at least one thing you want to improve as you move forward. 

About the speaker

Ceri is a life and performance coach and lead instructor for our partner organisation Carnegie Great Outdoor who facilitate and deliver our +1% - Live you best life workshop at Lilleshall. 

He is very knowledgeable and has a wealth of experience in Health and Wellbeing. 

How to access the session

All the EPIC Community sessions will take place over zoom, you can join us by clicking on the link below:

EPIC Community Programme – Meeting Access

How to book

Please let us know you are coming by booking on the session using the 'book tickets' box below, tickets are free and there is no limit in the number of attendees.

By doing this you will be sure to receive updates about the upcoming event.

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You cannot book tickets for past events.

EPIC Restart Foundation is a registered charity no 1192907 Registered Office: Suite 2, Northern Diver Building, Appley Bridge, WN6 9AE
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